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Abuse of Inhalants

DateDecember 02, 2016


Inhalant Addiction

The abuse of any inhalant is extremely dangerous, and these chemicals are highly addictive. When this type of abuse is not addressed, many people permanently damage brain cells as they fall deeper into their addictions. While inhalants are not quite as common as other types of drugs, they can be just as deadly.

Inhalant abuse tends to take place within communities that are relatively isolated and do not have access to other dangerous substances. One of the reasons why they are so dangerous is because they are highly addictive. Within a short period of time, those who abuse these substances can develop a p ....Continue


DateNovember 30, 2016


Usually diagnosed in childhood, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD can even last into adulthood. Individuals with ADHD are often overly active and have difficulty paying attention to others. They also tend to find it difficult to control impulsive behavior.

Individuals with ADHD sometimes resort to using alcohol or drugs to help them cope with their symptoms. Some become hooked on stimulants that doctors have prescribed for them to treat their ADHD symptoms. This addiction is often difficult to diagnose or treat without professional help.

Some factors that may influence an individual's chance of developing ADHD in ....Continue

Alcoholics Anonymous

DateNovember 29, 2016

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholism doesn't care about social or financial status. It doesn't know race or creed. It doesn't care about age or infirmity. Once it has you it is almost impossible to beat and is a vicious cycle putting most on a carousel that most feel helpless to jump off of. Is there hope? Is there a solution?

For those who suffer from this terrible affliction, there is a place you can go that is safe, friendly and inviting. It is also famous for its anonymity. This place is Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. It was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr Bob Smith, both notorious alcoholics. When they were at the worst points of the ....Continue

Ativan Addiction and Abuse

DateNovember 10, 2016

Many people who suffer from panic and anxiety are prescribed Ativan, or the generic form lorazepam. Some doctors prescribe it for patients with insomnia, even though it is not the primary use for the drug. It may be a way that people get primed on Ativan for habitual use.

This drug is in the benzodiazepine family and is a depressant medication that enhances inhibitory neurotransmission. Various processes of the body are effectively slowed down in the patient. It often gives people calm feelings. Many patients describe feelings of physical and mental relaxation.

Common Side Effects

These are some of the common side effects for people ....Continue

Adderall Addiction

DateSeptember 22, 2016

Drug addiction or dependence is a very real and dangerous threat to a person’s life. Addiction takes control over a person’s life and turns them into a stranger. War on drugs has been occurring for a very long time. Unfortunately, the number of drugs one can become addicted to is frightening. However, many common drug addictions are overshadowed by the more well-known narcotic addictions. On such addiction is the dependence on Adderall.

What is Adderall Addiction?

For those who do not know, Adderall is actually a prescription drug. This drug is meant for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and na ....Continue

Anti-Depressant Addicition

DateSeptember 22, 2016

What is an Antidepressant?

The drug that aid in curing various conditions such as: anxiety-attacks, depressions, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic attacks, and post-traumatic attacks, is called an antidepressant.

An antidepressant can be used alone or in combination with other medications but only when prescribed. Antidepressants are easy to obtain as they are prescribed right away by the doctor. They are regarded as non-habit forming and non-addictive drugs, but when used continuously, they can cause the start of dependence on the drug.

Causes of Antidepressant Addiction

There are many possible causes of ant ....Continue

Alcohol Addiction and Abuse

DateSeptember 22, 2016

Everyone has experience with some way. People either have seen the wonders it can do intense social situations or the dark side of driving under the influence leading to disastrous consequences for the individual and many others in the immediate vicinity. In fact, the National Council for Alcohol Addiction recently came out with a statistic that one in every twelve people or 17.6 million Americans has suffered from alcohol abuse or dependence at some point in their lives.

The definition of alcohol abuse, dependence, and tolerance are all different. Substance abuse means taking an inordinate amount of time looking for or seeking out a certa ....Continue

Addicted to Overeating

DateSeptember 22, 2016

Modern society tends to create notions of addiction that are associated with criminal activity, harsh living conditions, and polarizing behaviors. The truth is, addictions can be formed with any substance. This includes food.

All people are unique, as are their modes of dependence. For some, the most available, abundant, and satisfying addictive modality is food. Emotional, economic, social, and certain mental struggles can lead a person to find temporary solace in the most abundant habit-forming substance on Earth. This substance is calories. Food satisfies many sensory needs, but can quickly become an addiction.

The spectrum of food a ....Continue

A Look at Tramadol Addiction

DateSeptember 22, 2016

Tramadol is a prescription medication used to treat moderate to severe pain in adults 18 years of age and older. The narcotic-like pain reliever treats both pain associated with the nerves as well as general pain. Since the medication is less dangerous than more potent pain relievers such as Lortab or even stronger medications, it is oftentimes prescribed more frequently than the alternatives. This isn't to say that Tramadol is safer, however, since it provides similar sensations as the more potent medications.

Is Tramadol Addictive?

Tramadol can be habit-forming and addictive. Despite being a controlled substance, Tramadol is much easi ....Continue

Amytal addiction and abuse

DateSeptember 22, 2016

Amytal is a popular brand of amobarbital, which is a barbiturate. Barbiturates sedatives, and they are commonly used to treat sleep disorders and to prepare patients for surgery. Amytal works by calming the central nervous system allowing the patient to fall asleep. Amytal has fallen out of use with most doctors, but some medical professionals still utilize the drug. Amytal is mostly a street drug these days, and it is commonly referred to as blue velvets, downers, red, and redbirds.

Amytal is designated as a Schedule II drug because it has a high risk of abuse and dependence. Amytal is sometimes abused as a sedative. Those that are unable ....Continue

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