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Usually diagnosed in childhood, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD can even last into adulthood. Individuals with ADHD are often overly active and have difficulty paying attention to others. They also tend to find it difficult to control impulsive behavior.
Individuals with ADHD sometimes resort to using alcohol or drugs to help them cope with their symptoms. Some become hooked on stimulants that doctors have prescribed for them to treat their ADHD symptoms. This addiction is often difficult to diagnose or treat without professional help.
Some factors that may influence an individual's chance of developing ADHD include the following:
Some symptoms of ADHD behavior include the following:
Because of their tendency to forget appointments, adults with ADHD feel disorganized and frequently find it difficult to perform in a work environment. Their relationships may suffer due to failure to pay attention to others, speaking before thinking or forgetting social commitments. They may attempt to cope with these problems through drug or alcohol abuse.
It's estimated that one-quarter of adults in treatment centers for alcohol or drug abuse also have ADHD. Programs that simultaneously treat both addiction and ADHD utilize a dual diagnosis approach. Treating both addresses the possibility that frustration might lead to self-medication. Important elements of a successful ADHD recovery plan include individual counseling, family and holistic therapy, and self-help groups.
Vital components of a dual diagnosis program include the following:
A successful dual diagnosis program deals with managing ADHD symptoms and modifies the triggers and responses during the individual's recovery period. The goal is to allow the individual diagnosed with ADHD to be free of substance abuse and to live a healthy, functional and productive life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with ADHD and substance abuse, feel free to call us for help today.
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