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Bipolar disorder is a potentially serious mental illness that often sets in when an individual reaches early adulthood, typically from ages 18 to 25. While there is know known cure to bipolar disorder, many people are able to manage the illness and limit the size and frequency of their episodes to a manageable degree.
The Highs and Lows of Mania And Depression
Bipolar disorder is best known by its dual personality extremes; mania and depression. Mania is a situation in which people feel high and indestructible and often undertake reckless behavior. Examples of manic behavior include erratic spending, engaging in promiscuous sex, and quitting jobs and breaking off relationships with loved ones; each of which can be very damaging to a person's life.
On the other end of the spectrum is depressive behavior which can lead to a person being very depressed, closing themselves off from others, being self destructive and even suicidal, and also quitting jobs and exiting relationships.
People suffering from bipolar disease can sometimes shuffle rapidly between these stages or can have a prolonged period in each individual side of the bipolar equation. Look for erratic behavior and symptoms that look like the above and when you notice these signs you can help to get help for your afflicted loved ones.
Treatment with Medication: A double aged sword
One of the most common ways to Treat bipolar disease is with medication. Anti-psychotic drugs, mood stabilizers, and sleeping and anxiety aides are all forms of medication that can be prescribed to patients who are bipolar. Some of these medications have very real side effects including weight gain, tartive dyskinesia, and hearing voices. While medications are commonly prescribed to test bipolar disease and have big advantages in some cases, they can also be harmful in other situations.
Psychotherapy and Group Treatments
Psychotherapy and case by a psychiatrist and social workers are common ways to treat bipolar disease and can help patients to understand when they are experiencing the side effects and ill effects of their illness and can help to steer them in the right direction to avoid the drastic consequences of their actions. Group therapy can help to get those suffering from being bipolar back into the community and interacting with others and can help them to redevelop friends and to develop social networks that can be of side to them when they are feeling poorly or recovering from the after effects of their manic depressive behavior.
One Option for Those Who need Bipolar Treatment
If you or someone you care about is struggling with a bipolar disorder, don't delay. Call now!+ (866) 518-4301 Representatives are available 24/7 to help find treatment centres and support worldwide.
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